Five for friday!

I'm excited to join in on the linky party fun, and do my first ever five for Friday!

I made my very first TPT sale, how exciting is that! Its amazing how excited I am over a $2 sale. This $2 will be a milestone in my life forever. It is such a great feeling to create something that other teachers desire to use in their classroom with their students! YAY!

Speaking of TPT, I created my first resource that includes QR codes. My students gave them a test run, and it was a hit! I am so excited about this resource. You can check it out here

I added the Bloglovin' app today! I can follow my favorite blogs on the go!

Our class started and finished "The Lemonade War" this week! Of course I bought the whole series, we are completely hooked. Check out my LEGIT LIT blog post about this book here! There is a hilarious video of my students demanding more of "The Lemonade War"! We ended our day today by reading the first two chapters of the next book in the series, "The Lemonade Crime".

During our Lemonade War read aloud times, students were inspired to create paper lemonade stand models. How cute and creative are these.

Well I hope your Friday was as fabulous as mine, and if it wasn't, look on the bright side, it could be Monday!!! Thanks for checking out my blog! Check out Doodle Bugs Teaching for other great Five for Friday blog posts!


LEGIT LIT- The Lemonade War

This has been an incredible week for me and my students. With standardized testing behind us, we can now shift gears, and do things that make school memorable! We read Jacqueline Davies' book, The Lemonade War. I love this book and so do my students! Some students have even been inspired to create mini lemonade stand models.

Our read aloud time, is one of my absolute favorite times of the day. In most cases read alouds are done consistently in the primary grades, but it is just as important as students get older. My kids love getting comfortable on the carpet, and listening to me read. Teachers don't forget to read to your class. It models great fluency, and creates a special time for bonding. Our kids today are growing up too fast. Our days are going by too fast. Take some time, slow down, and read to your kids.
If you are looking for a great read aloud, this is the prefect book. Your students are bound to get into it.

I normally read a chapter at a time, but they are so hooked, that they demanded more. Click the video to see them demanding more of The LE-MON-ADE WAR!


How to be a legit teacher: Teacher Tip # 3

Today's teacher tip is brought to you by Kiana!
Kiana is athletic and smart. Her favorite subject is writing (that may or may not be my favorite subject too). She loves playing soccer, and is developing into an amazing soccer player, I know this because I've watched her since last year. She's got game!

Kiana's tip for teachers is this: "Keep kids papers' in their individual mailboxes."

It's no surprise that Kiana chose to share this tip with teachers. She is quite the organized 4th grader!
 Kiana's tip is all about organization and efficiency. As teachers, we handle lots of papers within the course of a day. It is important to have a system in place to ensure every paper reaches its proper destination. In our class we use individual mailboxes. Do yourself a favor, and just buy these. Don't think twice about it, just do it! You will be happy that you did. I ordered mine from Office Depot (love that place).

I have a student that puts papers in mailboxes, and each student checks their mailbox at the end of the day. Once your students get accustomed to having a mailbox, this little system will run itself like clock work! I have had these mailboxes since the start of my career, and they are still in pretty decent shape so the investment is well worth it.

Now check out Kiana in action. Her soccer skills are LEGIT!

Thanks for the tip Kiana!


Parting is such sweet sorrow!

This time of year can be bittersweet, but I'd rather not focus on the bitter. I try my level best to make the end of the year as fun and memorable as possible. We only have 30 more days to make awesome memories, and I plan to do just that! I like the idea of finishing strong, and with a ton of positive vibes. This little 12 page resource is the perfect activity to add to your end of the year festivities. This End of the Year Reflection Task Card Set will give your students a chance to reflect on the accomplishments they made, and the good times they had. Click here to check out this resource.



How to be a legit teacher: Teacher Tip # 2

Today's teacher tip is brought to you by Chloe. 

Chloe's friends describe her as helpful, grateful, and smart. Math and Reading are her favorite subjects. She couldn't pick just one!! When Chloe isn't busy solving Math problems and reading books, she enjoys music!

Chloe's tip for teachers is this: "Make your kids happy."

I absolutely love this tip. If kids are happy they are in the perfect position to learn new things. Classroom environment directly impacts the learning process. If you want your students to learn, you must make sure they are happy, and excited about being in your class.
Teachers, we are responsible for setting the tone, and establishing a positive class culture. Happiness, excitement, positive vibes, love and laughter are key components to a successful learning experience.
The academic payoff is well worth the investment in our students' emotions.
I stand in agreement with Chloe, and encourage all teachers to make your students' happiness a priority every single day!

Now click the video to check out Chloe's LEGIT music skills!

Thanks for the tip Chloe!


Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Okay, in teacher land, this statement really isn't true. If you are anything like me, and you love teaching, missing a day of school is no fun. However; an absence is bound to happen every now and then.
Well, I have something for you, an editable substitute packet. Yay! I have it all laid out for you, minus the actual lesson plans, because I don't know what grade you teach, or what curriculum you use, or what your schedule is. Trust me if I knew all of that I would totally have your back lol!
What I do have is a 16 page editable substitute packet, that will come in handy on the days you have to be away from your students. This packet has everything you need from a greeting letter, to dismissal procedures, an activity page for students, and my favorite, the positive post-it page, because students could use a little encouragement post-it note style!

I'm done babbling on, click here to check out this resource!


First Freebie! Weekly Behavior Form

I am excited about my first freebie! This weekly behavior form is great for keeping parents abreast of their child's behavior. To keep report card surprises at bay, I attach a weekly grade report to this form. Please click here to download this freebie! Be sure to read the implementation idea page for other great ways to utilize this form.


The legit stamp!

It all started with a stamp. I was browsing one of my favorite teacher websites, and I kept seeing teachers with templates for custom stamps. Stamps have been my latest teacher obsession, and recently I bought a ton, but I wanted one that was unique! So I came up with a saying for my stamp, and went to Office Depot to have it made. My stamp was made in no time, and I was super excited to stamp my students' work! I was hoping my stamp would be a hit.
Well, it wasn't just a hit, it was a BIG HIT!!! My stamp was all the rave in class the next day. Each student got a freebie stamp, and  they were beaming with joy. Our little class stamp says, "Your work is LEGIT!"
Making this stamp is just the beginning of a journey that will be incredible. I just have a feeling that something amazing is going to happen, and when it does, I'll proudly say, "It all started with a stamp!"
I hope the world is ready for me, The Legit Teacher, and my little LEGIT stamp, because I  plan to leave my mark on this world!


How to be a LEGIT Teacher: Teacher Tip #1

The very first teacher tip is brought to you by 23 of the most amazing students in the world, okay maybe I'm a little biased. My 4th grade class has a tip for you, and I think every teacher should read this.
The most important things that students need from their teachers are love, respect, honesty, knowledge, and guidance.
I couldn't agree with them more. Before we carry out the business of teaching content, students need to know we care. It's about relationships first and foremost, that's the best tip you'll ever get in this profession.

Welcome to My Blog

Thanks for visiting my blog! My hope is that this blog will inspire you to teach with great urgency and passion!

If you have questions about any post that you see, please e-mail me at
While you're here, go ahead and follow all of my social media pages, and tell a teacher friend!


Legit Lit: Storybook Character Day!