How to be a legit teacher: teacher tip # 4

Today's teacher tip is brought to you by Jayden! Jayden describes himself as active, intelligent, and creative.  He loves sports and enjoys playing football and basketball. He is quite the All-Star Athlete.

Jayden's tip for teachers is this: "Treat students with respect."

 Jayden is on to something with this excellent piece of advice. As teachers we must remember that our students are human, and have hearts. They have a keen sense of authenticity, and can tell when they are not respected by others. I know every teacher out there pushes for students to show respect to you, and to each other, but let's not forget that our students deserve our respect too! Now I know there may be some who feel that respect is "earned and not given", but I respectfully disagree. I admonish you to take Jayden's advice and make sure that you treat each of your students with the highest level of respect possible.
Aretha sang it best, R-E-S-P-E-C-T!  
(click the link to enjoy her tune)


Now check out this LEGIT athlete and scholar!

Thanks for the tip Jayden!

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