Grow your PLN!!!
This tip has kept me going on the toughest of days in this profession. On days when I really couldn't express my frustrations to anyone, my PLN helped me return to a more grounded place.
Having a PLN is beneficial for so many reasons. For me, the support system is a major reason for having and growing a PLN, but the benefits extend far beyond support. PLNs are a great way to gain resources to use in your classroom. Resources come in the form of actual activities, ideas, and actual people who are more than willing to lend a helping hand in whatever way they can. I have learned so much from my PLN, I couldn't imagine my teacher life without them.
My PLN helps me in working towards one of my teacher goals which is to be a world class educator! I want to be the absolute best! I want to bring perspectives to my students that require me to extend beyond the cultures represented in this country. My PLN helps with this. There are several teachers in my PLN who teach in different countries around the world. I love having them in my teacher tribe, because it gives me the opportunity to take a look into education in other countries. What are these countries doing differently? What can I learn from them? The amazing thing about a PLN is that it removes the limits from collaboration among the teachers in your building. If the only teachers you collaborate with are the ones at your school, you are missing out!
If you're looking to expand your teacher tribe, I hope this tip will encourage you to take the plunge. In my opinion the quickest way to do this is through social media! Yes, social media! In my third year of teaching I took the plunge into online Professional Development (I'll blog about that later), and from there my PLN was established. I'd suggest creating a professional twitter account that will allow you to establish your PLN. Here are a few of the hashtags I follow: #bfc530 #tlap #kidsdesrveit #4thchat #engagechat and #satchat
If you have questions about taking the plunge or want to know the logistics of setting up a twitter account feel free to email me at
I'd love to help you get started.
If you're already on twitter I'd love to add you to my tribe. Share your twitter handle and I'll be sure to follow. My handle is, you guessed it..... @thelegitteacher ! I hope this tip helps!